Towel rockets

Towel rockets are made with towels and cookie cutters.

For every rocket you need one of each. I used plastic cookie cutters from Ikea’s Drömmar set. If you don’t have any cookie cutters you can try other rings as well like a bangle, a large hair doughnut or a cut of empty kitchen paper roll.

I put the treats on the centre of the towels and the I pushed the towels through the cookie cutters. I chose small cookie cutters for the small towels and a larger one for that one larger towel.

First time you give a towel rocket to your dog make sure the towel is quite loose so your dog is able to get the towel out quite easily. Later on you can push the towel further to make the game more difficult.

It took Miki about 5 minutes to get the treats out of these five towel rockets.