For this you only need a tube, a towel or a newspaper and any kind of treats. I used pieces of dried chicken fillet.
I used a cardboard tube size 30 x 8 cm (12” x 3”), but you can use plastic pipes like part of sewer pipe or rainwater pipe as well. You can inquire these plastic pipes from your hardware store and cardboard tubes from companies that offer blueprint copying like I did, and they gave me the tubes for free :)
If you don’t have either of these, you can also try a Pringles tube.
This is one of the easiest games you can make for your dog. Just put the treats inside a towel or a newspaper and then just scrunch it and place it in the tube.
At the first time I gave this to Miki, I placed the towel near the other end of the tube, and Miki got the towel out within a minute. At the second time, I placed the towel in the midpoint and it took Miki 10 minutes to get the towel out.
We also played this game with a rolled bath towel and a cut from a plastic pipe. It took Miki about two minutes to get the treats out.
Once we played with the tube I put three Kong Classic toys inside the tube and I put few kibble into each toy. I also put the Kong Genius Mike toy in the tube with some kibble in it. It took Miki about four minutes to get all the kibble out.
The Kong toys fits just inside the tube, and because the tube has a dent at the other end the Kong toys doesn’t fall out right away.
I made similar game with 60 cm (about 24”) long tube and a 60 cm wide bath towel. I sprinkled a small handful of kibble on top the towel and then I rolled it and pushed it inside the tube. It took Miki about 15 minutes to get all the kibble out.