In this game a dog needs to fish a cup attached to a rope out of a plastic jar.
I chose a large protein jar (about 30 cm (12”) high) for this game because of its shape and size. You can use other jars in this game or even a bucket if you don’t have anything else. I still recommend finding a jar that has so narrow mouth that your dog can’t put his head through.
First I washed and dried the jar thoroughly. I tied a piece of rope to a paper cup’s handles and to the other end I tied a wooden block as a handle. At the end the rope was approximately 35 cm (14”) long.
With this game we also started with something easy. First I made a similar game as the Cup in the tube. I put the jar on its side on the floor, put a small piece of duck fillet into the cup and then I placed the cup inside the jar.
Miki knew right away that he needed to pull on the rope to get the cup out.
Then we started the actual fishing. I assembled the game again, but this time I put the jar on the floor right way. I knew Miki was going to try to push the jar down, so we held on to the jar to keep it standing.
First Miki tried to push the jar down :D After that he scrabbled the block a few times and then just like that he figured out that he needed to pull the rope. I was very surprised Miki figured it out so quickly because this game wasn’t easy.